Deficits versus Taxes
Which is more important to the Republicans, deficit reductions, or no taxes levied on the wealthy? If deficit reduction was more important then taxes would be instrumental in reducing a large deficit. Since there are no taxes, or other like measures--such as loop-hole closing, subsidies to agriculture, oil companies, corporate jets etc.-- then it seems taxes are more important.
It is not true that taxes hinder business or that taxes lead to continued unemployment. Government spending in many circumstances is good for the economy when used for business incentives, such as research and development, improving infrastructure, improved transportation routes, education--the GI Bill was a great incentive to the economy in increased wages, employment, and general societal health.
The truth of the matter in recent years "job creators" have been "downsizers"; laying off workers solely to improve "bottom lines". Giving these "job creators" more wealth just makes them more greedy and in fact these "downsizers" become role models for others to emulate, leading to more lay-offs.